Shirley Villafranca
Hitchcock seems to want the Bible to be as specific as following a map, that the Bible will 100% say exactly that there will be 4 blood moons, and just because it was not mentioned in the Bible, (so he says)then it cannot be true. Then he also wants the eclipses to shine on, exactly where Israel is located. Since it is supposed to be a sign for Israel, then let God put a projector on top of Israel if He really is sending them a message. Hmmm.
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Loui Gee
After he mentioned the movie by Seth Rogen "This Is The End" as a symbol of the end of times. Has he seen that abortion like excuse of a movie? It's a comedy without jokes and a doomsday prediction without merits. Writting this book for the uninformed masses is a great way to profiteer from people's fears. You sir, the author, is a literature profiteer and nothing more.
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Beauty For Ashes
This book contains the most balanced view on the blood moon teachings I have come across. Mark Hitchcock is gracious in his approach here, and does not feel the need to mock. Mocking is pointless, and will most likely turn people away from what someone has to say, even if they are right about it.
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