Mark Winborn offers a succinct introduction to the key elements of Jung’s conceptual model and method, as well as an outline of the major transitions, critiques, and debates that have emerged in the evolution of analytical psychology. Similarities and differences between analytical psychology and other psychoanalytic orientations are also identified. This approach allows those who already have familiarity with the Jungian model to expand their understanding, while also providing an accessible map of the field to those with limited exposure to these concepts.
Psychoanalysts, therapists, students, and instructors of all levels of experience will benefit from this unique introduction to the Jungian model of psychoanalysis.
Mark Winborn (PhD, NCPsyA) is a Jungian psychoanalyst/clinical psychologist. He is a training/supervising analyst of the Inter-Regional Society of Jungian Analysts and the C.G. Jung Institute of Zurich. He is the author of Interpretation in Jungian Analysis: Art and Technique and Beyond Persona: On Individuation and Beginnings with Jungian Analysts (with Lavinia Țânculescu-Popa), as well as two additional books.