Infinite Groups: A Roadmap to Selected Classical Areas seeks to overcome this challenge. The book covers a broad swath of the theory of infinite groups, without giving proofs, but with all the concepts and auxiliary results necessary for understanding such results. In other words, this book is an extended directory, or a guide, to some of the more established areas of infinite groups.
Dr. Martyn R. Dixon is a Professor of Mathematics at the University of Alabama. He did undergraduate work at the University of Manchester and obtained his Ph. D. at the University of Warwick under the guidance of Dr. Stewart Stonehewer. His main interests in group theory include ranks of groups, infinite dimensional linear groups, permutable subgroups and locally finite groups. He has written several books and numerous articles concerned with group theory. He has been a visiting professor at various institutions including the University of Kentucky, Bucknell University, Università degli Studi di Trento, the University of Napoli, the University of Salerno, the University of Valencia and the University of Zarogoza.
Dr. Leonid A. Kurdachenko
is a Distinguished Professor in the Department of Geometry and Algebra of Oles Honchar Dnipro National University. He is one of the most productive group theorists. His list of publications consists of more than 250 journal articles published in major mathematics journals in many countries around the globe. He is an author of more than a dozen books published by such prestigious publishers as John Wiley and Sons (USA), Birkhäuser (Swiss), Word Scientific (United Kingdom), and others. He served as an invited speaker and visiting professor at many international conferences and universities. His research activities have been supported by several prestigious international grants.Dr. Igor Ya. Subbotin
is a Professor at National University, USA. His main area of research is algebra. His list of publications includes more than 170 articles in algebra published in major mathematics journals around the globe. He has also authored more than 50 articles in mathematics education dedicated mostly to the theoretical basis of some topics in high school and college mathematics. Among his publications there are several books published by such major publishing companies as Wiley and Sons, World Scientific, Birkhäuser, and others. His research in algebra has been supported by several international prestigious grants, including grants issued by FEDER funds from European Union, The National Research Committee of Spain and Aragon, Volkswagen Foundation (VolkswagenStiftung), and others.