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The Right Kind of Strong: Surprisingly Simple Habits of a Spiritually Strong Woman
The Right Kind of Strong: Surprisingly Simple Habits of a Spiritually Strong Woman is a practical and biblical guide that will lead any woman to be strong regardless of her situation or circumstance. Maybe you feel weak and incapable, maybe you are already tired of pretending to be strong. Whatever your situation, rest assured that your desire to be strong is aligned with what God wants for you. Mary A. Kassian shares seven habits that will help you reach the goal of true strength in Christ. The Bible teaches that this begins with believing in Jesus Christ and once this happens, he fills the believer with his strength. Kassian's desire is that you experience this strength through the power of the Holy Spirit and that you truly become strong in the Lord. About the book:
Mary A. Kassian es una autora galardonada con el Word Guild Award y oradora internacional. Ha publicado varios libros y estudios bíblicos, incluyendo Girls Gone Wise, Conversation Peace y True Woman 101. Mary es una conferencista popular en eventos para mujeres como Revive y True Woman. Ella ha aparecido en numerosos programas de radio y televisión como Focus on the Family y Life Today. También ha impartido cursos en grupo en Southern Seminary en Louisville, Kentucky, donde fue reconocida como profesora distinguida de estudios sobre la mujer. Mary y su familia residen en Edmonton, Alberta, Canadá.