As a member of the renowned Piccadilly Gentlemen’s Club, Jonathan Leinster has been instructed to ensure the return of a runaway. Little does he realise that meeting spirited Louise Vail will change his life for ever...
Having discovered she was adopted, Louise has fled to her birthplace, hoping to find her family – but handsome, charming Jonathan stops her in her tracks! His task is simple: escort Louise promptly home. Yet all he wants to do is claim her as his own!
The Piccadilly Gentlemen’s Club Seeking justice, finding love
Mary Nichols is the author of various articles, short stories, family sagas and well over thirty Mills & Boon historicals. She was also a member of the Romantic Novelists Association. Mary spent part of every day at her computer producing her novels and divided the rest of her time between reading, research, gardening, playing golf and, when it became necessary, housework! Mary passed away in Feb 2016 having written well over 100 books.