You now can find massage as part of an integrated medical system of treatment. You can see it in ICUs for babies, children and elderly people. Massage is part of out care and in-house therapy as well as medical management for people with HIV-AIDS and cancer.
Massage now forms a small but significant part of many different types of health care facilities. Hospices, health care centers, and various types of medical and therapeutic clinics include some form of massage as part of a recognized form of treatment.
In the sporting arena, massage is also a prominent fixture, making its appearance at the Olympics. Massage is also an accepted part of athletic training at all levels of sport.
Below is the list of article titles that you can get inside this bundle:
Dysfunctions Responding to Clinical Massage
Facial Massage
Massage Therapy as Complimentary Alternative Medicine
Massage Therapy for Senior Citizens
Massage Therapy for Young Children
The Balinese Massage Therapy
The Chair Massage
The Deep Tissue Massage
The Foot Massage
The Hand and Arm Massage
The Health Benefits of Massage Therapy
The Hot Stone Massage
The Indian Head Massage
The Korean Martial Therapy
And so much more...
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