G.T. Herman F. Natterer Universitat des Saarlandes Medical Image Processing Group Department of Computer Science Angewandte Mathematik und State University of New York at Informatik 66 Saarbrucken Buffalo Germany 4226 Ridge Lea Road Amherst, N.Y. 14226 USA In August 1978 we have attended a working conference on Computer Aided Tomography and Ultrasonics in Medicine which was held in Haifa, Israel under the auspices of the International Federation for Information Pro cessing [1]. That meeting, in common with other meetings relating to computerized tomography, concentrated on the physical, engineering and clinical aspects of the topic, with little attention paid to the under lying mathematics, and no attention paid to recent developments in ma thematics inspired by computerized tomography (although not necessarily) useful for computerized tomography). We both felt that it would be worthwhile to organize a meeting of mathematicians which would concen trate on the mathematical aspects of computerized tomography. This vol ume (and the meeting on which it is based) is the outcome of our decision in August 1978 to attempt to bring together such a meeting. In the meantime much has been published on the topic of computerized to mography.