Mats Alvesson works at Lund University and also part-time at the University of Queensland and Cass Business School, City University. He has published about thirty books on critical theory, organizational culture, leadership, gender and qualitative and reflexive methods.
Stefan Sveningsson is Professor of Business Administration at the School of Economics and Management, Lund University. He has been visiting researcher at Cardiff Business School, Melbourne University, University of Sydney and Auckland Business School. His research includes leadership, managerial work, strategic and organizational change and organization of knowledge intensive work. He has published several books and journal articles. Recent books include Changing Organizational Culture (2ed, Routledge, 2015, with M Alvesson), Managerial Lives: Leadership and Identity in an Imperfect World (Cambridge University Press, 2016, with M Alvesson), and Reflexive Leadership (SAGE, 2017, with M Alvesson & M Blom).