In this literary fantasy novelette, three exiled travelers, Kug, Agane, and Dennick, have traveled across the continent of Kaebrith, far from the home from which they've been exiled, searching for the healer who can cure Agane of a devastating illness.
But an unexpected development forces difficult choices. Can they face the consequences of the past in order to have any kind of future?
THE PERFUMED AIR AT KWAANANTAG BAY is a character-driven, literary, low fantasy set in The Shaper's World, the original storyworld introduced in the novel LIGHT OF THE OUTSIDER. THE PERFUMED AIR AT KWAANANTAG BAY includes characters featured in LIGHT OF THE OUTSIDER, but you don't have to have read that novel to enjoy this novelette... although your experience may be enhanced if you have.
Matthew Wayne Selznick is an author, creator, and creative services provider living in Huntington Beach, California. He's the author of the Parsec Award nominated "Brave Men Run -- A Novel of the Sovereign Era," the follow-up, "Pilgrimage," as well as his latest novel, "Light of the Outsider," and a number of other titles set in a variety of storyworlds.
Learn more about Matthew Wayne Selznick, read his articles on living a successful and healthy creative life, and hire him to help with your own creative works at!