Mauro Caputo, director, screenwriter and filmmaker, collaborated with Giorgio Pressburger by directing “Message for the century”, “Munich’s clock”, “The fragrance of a time of fairytales” and “The law of white spaces”, which were presented and stood out among the most known rewards and international film festivals and were transmitted by Rai.
Donatella Ferrario, reporter for “Periodici San Paolo”, for years she has worked for cinema as editor-in-chief of online newspapers; since 2009 she has been dealing with culture by writing articles, interviewing and editing, for the monthly Jesus, the section “Frammenti”. Among her publications: “Multi-ethnic Milan”, “History and stories of the global city”, with Fabrizio Pesoli (Meravigli, 2016); “Digress. A journey looking for the other and the other side” (San Paolo, 2018).