Megan Garey is a mother, educator, and frequent book store visitor. (You can find her in the kids section reading to her little one). Megan graduated Old Dominion University after studying Early Childhood Education; special education.
Upon graduating decided traditional teaching was not for her, being cooped up in a room all day under flourecent lights didnt seem appealing.
This book was designed for her daughter. Megan wanted to inspire her to love EVERYTHING about herself. This book is to remind her daughter that her hair, skin, and personality are all unique and should be celebrated.
Every child deserves to feel that way!
Kinder Prep LLC is a Non-Profit designed to give back to the community in various educational ways. We want children to be healthy and happy individuals whose only concern should be growing and choosing their favorite foods and colors.
Kinder Prep LLC wears many hats.
We believe our kids should be exposed to as much culture as possible, starting at birth. At our sister child care facilities we provide yoga instructions, caregiver & me fitness programs, foreign language classes, cooking classes, and tutoring services as early as age 1.
We even plan the occasional birthday party or family destination getaway.
Now we write books!
We do all this because:
1. We LOVE what we do.
2. We have an AMAZING tribe!! (Thank you everyone)
3. We want to show people that family dynamics are multifaceted.
It takes a village to raise a child.
We hope you will be a part of it; let’s grow together.