Men's Room

Huck Pilgrim Presents
2 umsagnir
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Um þessa rafbók

A student falls victim to a mysterious curse that makes her desire men.

In “MEN’S ROOM,” Joanie Salinger longs for revenge to get even with her former boyfriend. In one of the bathrooms at her school's basketball game, she meets the mysterious Don Manley who says he can offer her the relief she craves. She soon discovers that his offer is legit -- she no longer wants to hurt her former boyfriend, but now she has been burdened with an even stronger, more complicated desire. As Don softly encourages her, she swallows her pride, slips to her knees, and offers her former boyfriend and one of this friends an unexpected “truce.”

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2 umsagnir

Um höfundinn

Huck Pilgrim has lived on the streets of New York City, in a communal home for Christians, and on an American submarine out of San Diego. He has washed dishes, made costumed helium balloon deliveries, and robbed designer jeans from department stores. 

Huck writes gritty stories about submission, blackmail, and coercion. Occasionally he tosses a hand grenade of action and adventure into the mix. Huck's stories are vivid fantasies, exploring the darker sides of submission and exposure. In Huck's stories, the mousy girl becomes suddenly bold and capable, often discovering the hidden slut inside her. The men are handsome, hard-bitten, and cruel, enjoying all manner of debauchery. 

Follow Huck Pilgrim's latest releases by joining his mailing list.

Contact Huck at [email protected]

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