Michael Barkham, PhD, is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Sheffield, UK. He has over 35 years of experience researching the processes and outcomes of psychological therapies, focusing on the development of outcome measures, conducting pragmatic trials, and the analyses of large practice-based data sets.
Wolfgang Lutz, PhD, is Professor of Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy at the University of Trier, Germany. His research focuses on change in psychotherapy and aims at supporting personalized decision-making based on empirical data. He is a former editor of Psychotherapy Research and president-elect of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.
Louis G. Castonguay, PhD, is Liberal Arts Professor of Psychology in the Department of Psychology at Penn State University, USA. His research focuses on factors related to the process and impact of psychotherapy. He is also involved in practice-oriented research and practice research networks. He has served as president of the Society for Psychotherapy Research.