The novel continues the story of Nick and Rachel, familiar characters from the first book. Living in the UK, engaged in September 1982, and married in 1984, their love story unfolds amidst political chaos. As they return to Zimbabwe for their honeymoon, they face personal challenges and the broader implications of Mugabe’s ruthless regime.
In the UK, Nick witnesses the cold-blooded tactics of Zimbabwe’s Central Intelligence Organisation (CIO) when Jonathan Khumalo, a young lawyer with alleged royal Ndebele ties, is eliminated as a perceived threat to Mugabe’s ambitions. Meanwhile, in Zimbabwe, Sipho Pukelo, Nick’s comrade-in-arms, faces similar violence when a 5th Brigade assault squad, led by Major Tawanda Nyati, raids his village, killing his parents. Later, Nyati himself becomes a liability and is murdered by the CIO.
Back in the UK, Nick joins Rare Quest Imports Pty Ltd (RQI), owned by his father-in-law. His expertise proves crucial in covert arms deals with South Africa, aimed at countering guerrilla movements and communist factions, providing him with deeper insights into the complex world of Cold War geopolitics.
As Nick uncovers disheartening revelations about the British government’s stance on Zimbabwe, he faces a profound personal dilemma. With Rachel’s pregnancy adding new dimensions to his life, Nick must balance his commitment to his family in the UK with his desire to help Zimbabwe amidst increasing repression.
A Moment of Madness vividly portrays the Gukurahundi campaign and Mugabe’s quest for absolute power, offering a powerful exploration of this tumultuous period in Zimbabwe’s history. Dive into a tale of love, conflict, and political intrigue with lasting impact.
Michael's novels invite readers to witness the seismic shifts in southern Africa's recent history, through characters whose lives are marked by love, war, and political upheaval.
Born in Durban, South Africa, in October 1955, and raised in Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe), Michael experienced firsthand the complex dynamics that fuel his storytelling. After completing his education in Rhodesia and earning a Bachelor of Laws in Scotland, he returned to Rhodesia, where he worked as a public prosecutor and later as the operations manager of Zimbabwe’s leading medical aid society. During his 12 months of national service, he served as a 2nd Lieutenant in the Rhodesian African Rifles. His experiences gave him a deep understanding of the era's conflicts and camaraderie — insights he brings to his books.
In The Unravelling, Michael captures the tensions of the 1970s and 1980s as Rhodesia’s colonial rule collapses. Following two comrades-in-arms, Nick and Sipho, through war and its challenging aftermath, the novel reveals the scars left on both individuals and nations alike.
The story continues in A Moment of Madness, set amid Robert Mugabe’s brutal consolidation of power after his victory in the country’s first universal franchise elections in 1980. As Nick and Rachel navigate life in the UK and grapple with Zimbabwe’s ruthless Gukurahundi campaign, they are drawn into dangerous political currents that put love, loyalty, and integrity to the test. With vivid portrayals of Cold War geopolitics and Zimbabwe’s internal strife, Michael offers readers a gripping narrative of a country in turmoil.
Michael has also compiled and published a compendium of memories and other material relating to his time at Prince Edward Senior School in Salisbury (now Harare). This compendium is entitled Prince Edward Class of 1968 to 1973 – Like Feathers in the Wind.
In March 1990, Michael emigrated to Australia with his wife and two sons. Settling in Adelaide, South Australia, he worked in various senior roles in the private health sector for over 30 years.
Now retired and living in Adelaide, Michael remains deeply connected to Zimbabwe. Through his writing, he explores the powerful intersections of history and personal destiny, inviting readers to uncover the untold stories behind Zimbabwe’s transformation.