The West has, in the last few hundred years, been the engine of scientific progress, yet the dominant religions of the West are anti-scientific. This has led to a damaging dichotomy in the Western mind.
Doesn't the West have any enlightenment religions that might allow science and religion to find common ground? This book compares and contrasts the Gnostic religion of Illumination - the religion of the ancient secret society known as the Illuminati - with the main Eastern religions of Hinduism, Buddhism and Taoism, and suggests that all four religions can be brought together under one banner – Enlightenment – that may stand in united opposition to Abrahamism: knowledge against faith.
Michael Faust invites you to explore the divine order, with its most astonishing secret - that you are part of it. You always have been. But you have forgotten. That's the nature of the created world - to make us forget that we are all the Creators. Isn't it time to remember who you truly are?