Professor Mike Grantham has many years of experience in NDT and repair of concrete structures. He is currently the President of the Institute of Concrete Technology and a Visiting Professor at Leeds University (and at Queen’s University previously). He is the author or co-author of several books on NDT and repair of concrete, including the well-known "Testing of Concrete in Structures, with Bungey and Millard. He is organiser and Chair of the Concrete Solutions series of International Conferences on Concrete Repair. He is also Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s "Case Studies in Construction Materials.
Professor Ioanna Papayianni, chemist and civil engineer, is an expert at an international level in the rehabilitation of cultural heritage, carrying out scientific research on building techniques and materials of monuments from all periods at the University of Thessaloniki. At the URBACT LINKS Network Workshop in Veria she presented research findings related to the rehabilitation of the city’s historical center and the workprogram she has started as a contribution to the Network.
Kosmas Sideris, Associate Professor, was born in Athens (1969). He received his diploma in Civil Engineering (1992) and his Ph.D. degree (1996) from the Civil Engineering Department of Democritus University of Thrace. He served as Lecturer (1998-2003) and Assistant Professor (2003-today) in the Laboratory of Building Materials at the Department of Civil Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace. He is the author of two books in Cement Hydration and Concrete Durability and the author or co-author of 90 articles published in Greek and International Journals and Conferences. Dr. Sideris is a member of several International and National Scientific Committees and Societies (ACI, RILEM, ACI Hellas Chapter, Technical Chamber of Greece, Industrial By-Product Research and Development Association) and active member of RILEM TC DSC – Durability of Self Compacting Concrete, RILEM TC HPB - Physical properties and behaviour of High-Performance Concrete at high temperature and RILEM TC MPS- Mechanical properties of self-compacting concrete committees. His main research interests are focused in the durability of reinforced concrete structures and the technology of advanced concretes (self compacting concrete, high performance concrete, fibre reinforced concrete and concrete produced with pozzolanic additives and industrial by products). His secondary research interests are in the area of hydration kinetics of plain and blended cements and the use of special chemical admixtures in concrete.