Michael Casey is writer and researcher in the fields of economics, finance, and digital technology and culture. Since the summer of 2015, he has been employed as Senior Advisor for the Digital Currency Initiative at MIT's renowned Media Lab, while also providing consulting services and speaking globally on the evolving digital governance of the global economy. Before his MIT assignment, Casey spent 18 years at the Wall Street Journal, where he was most recently a senior columnist covering global economics and markets. He is the author of four books: Che's Afterlife: The Legacy of an Image (Vintage, 2009); The Unfair Trade: How Our Broken Global Financial System Destroys the Middle Class (Crown, 2012); The Age of Cryptocurrency: How Bitcoin and the Blockchain are Challenging the Global Economic Order (co-authored with Paul Vigna; St. Martin's Press, 2015); and The Social Organism: A Radical Understanding of Social Media to Transform Your Business and Life (co-authored with Oliver Luckett; Hachette, 2016).