Professor Michael Krivelevich is a renowned expert on the theory of random graphs. He has written over 170 research papers, more than 100 of them in the last ten years. Most of his publications are on random graphs and related fields, such as extremal combinatorics, positional games theory and theoretical computer science.
Professor Konstantinos Panagiotou received the Richard Rado Prize in 2010. He is an expert on the relatively new theory of Boltzmann samplers and its relations to the study of random planar graphs as well as random graphs with constraints.
Professor Mathew Penrose is a leading expert on the theory of random geometric graphs. His research interests cover a variety of topics in modern probability theory, often motivated by questions from the physical sciences. These include interacting particle systems, percolation, stochastic analysis and extreme value theory.
Professor Colin McDiarmid is a leading expert on probabilistic combinatorics and discrete probability theory, with several participations in editorial boards of leading combinatorics journals. He has published over 80 papers on these areas. He is one of the pioneers of the theory of random planar graphs and random graphs with constraints.