In the Scientific World every once in a while someone comes along who will describe events slightly differently than most would. These types of eccentric people are often found to be correct at a later date when more information is known, newer evidence gathered. The author of this book considers himself to be such a person, someone ahead of his time. The Science Of Physics is written for the lay person, but it takes in all of the most recent discoveries in Science that have proven to the satisfaction of the author that God exists and it even details exactly where God resides. It's a fresh look at an age-old problem for Humanity. Is there such a thing as right and wrong and why should I care? Is there something outside of us that is guiding us in any way? And do we even have the ability to find the answers to these questions?
The author believes that yes, we do have the ability to answer these questions and more than that we may have discovered why we want to get some answers right now, at this point in our Evolution because any more Evolution may be dependent on our finding and accepting the answers in this book in the next few years. All of us have the ability to know why we're here and we have the scientific evidence right in front of our noses hiding in plain sight for centuries. If you want to be part of something much larger than yourself - you must read this book.
The Science in this book is a one-of-a-kind and completely original way to discover yourself and the world you live in, how it was created and what will keep it going in the right direction.
Michael Mathiesen is the author of over 100 books about Science, Cosmology, Politics, Physics and even Science Fiction. Titles include Anti-Matter, Brain Drain, The God Particle Bible, The Origin of Creation, Real Elections 2020, The Global Constitution, Only You Can Help Save The Earth, The Future of Cars, Metamorphosis - #AI Cocoon, Maxtricity - the Science of Entangled Electrons, Can Electrons Learn, The 4 States of Consciousness, Born Again - The 2nd Greatest Story Ever Told, The Green New Deal, AND his latest - The Science of Physics - Proof That God Exists.