Developing Resilience shows how people can find constructive ways of dealing with hard times by using the ideas and techniques of cognitive behavioural therapy as well as drawing on the viewpoints and experiences of other writers presented here. This book provides useful guidance and advice on topics including:
• managing negative emotions in difficult times
• using an assets and liabilities model to understand resilient behaviour
• distinguishing between what’s within and outside of your control
• identifying and changing attitudes that undermine resilience building
• developing self-belief
• increasing your level of frustration tolerance
• maintaining a resilient outlook.
This book will be essential reading for anyone interested in learning more about resilience as well as for mental health professionals, coaches and therapists looking for guidance in helping their clients to cope better with adversity.
Michael Neenan is a former Associate Director of the Centre for Stress Management and Centre for Coaching, Blackheath. He works in private practice as a cognitive behaviour therapist and coach. He is the author (with Windy Dryden) of Life Coaching: A Cognitive Behavioural Approach (2nd edn., 2014).