From telepathy to telekinesis, clairvoyance to clairsentience, the expanded use of our minds knows only the bounds we choose. Moreover, evidence indicates we can hone these skills through psychic development.
Covering such topics as the sixth sense the third eye and chakras, opening your intuitive awareness, overcoming blocks, psychic protection, psychometric, clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, claircognizance, working with auras, telepathy, remote viewing, astral travel and medium ship.
We can always bring love to any situation and work from a love based center instead of worries, doom, gloom, the ego, or fear.
You will gain the knowledge and awareness of how the cycle of life works, and be able to continue on your personal path, while maintaining good physical, mental-emotional, and spiritual health.
Hi, my name is Michael Roberts. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.