Problem solving is a learned skill. As such, you have to learn the right way to do it, and then you have to practice in every problem you face. If you don't learn the skill, you might find yourself hitting a self-imposed corporate ceiling. Problem solving is not only a skill important for the corporate world. It is vital for companies in the startup phase of their lifecycle. If you're in that group, then you have undoubtedly seen many titles on 'product innovation' or 'business model innovation' among others that will supposedly fuel your idea generation.
In This Book You Will Learn:
· Show how to remove emotions from decision-making.
· Clarify your current position and your desired result.
· Demonstrate how to involve employees, suppliers and customers in problem-solving.
· Illustrate the art of evaluation to know if a solution will just make things worse.
· Add problem-solving discipline to your leadership skills.
Fortunately, the frameworks offered in this insightful book are highly customizable, so you can tailor them to suit your professional, social, student, or home life.
It is time to bid adieu to indecisiveness and welcome in a new era where you are the confident, capable decision-maker you know you can be.
Hi, my name is Michael Williams. I love travelling. I love spending time with my family.