Miguel Rocha is an Associate Professor at the University of Minho (Portugal), where heteaches in the Informatics Department and has a senior researcher position in the Centreof Biological Engineering. He is the Director and founder of the Master in Bioinformaticssince 2007, teaching and coordinating curricular units related to Bioinformatics algorithmsand tools, data analysis and machine learning. His research is mainly devoted toBioinformatics subjects, including the development of tools and algorithms for metabolicmodelling andomics data analysis.Pedro G. Ferreira is an Assistant Researcher at Ipatimup/i3S (Portugal), where he has an FCT Investigator Starting grant. He develops research on computational biology in particular in the fields of cancer and population genomics. He has collaborated with several research groups and has been involved in different international consortia including ICGC-CLL, GEUVADIS or GTEx. He has intensive training in Bioinformatics and experience in genomics start-up environment where he has developed information systems for personal genomics data interpretation.