Dr Aadidev the protagonist of this story, he is just a common person until he didn't put Dr. in front of his name, In this real world, there are only three real heroes, Doctors-Soldiers-Farmers. Doctors who give us second life, Soldiers our protectors and Farmers who give us food, and this story revolves around Doctors and Soldiers. Dr Aadidev and Ex-Soldier Kevin, they both are not only the characters of this story, but they are the symbol who represents Doctors/ Medical staff and Police officers/ Armed forces.
Mihir Mishra (11-08-2000) is an Indian author of the crime, science fiction, poet, inspiration, fantasy novels, and non-fiction. He began writing in his teen, and his first book was titled 'The Hunting Werewolf- series' when he was 15. Some other marvellous books like
'Mr Doctor (The rise of humanity),
Unknown sort out (case no. 90)
Broken Paths, He is not only a good author but a good paint artist, music writer, and gym athlete.