Mike McNamee is Professor of Applied Ethics at Swansea University, UK. His research interests and teaching span a broad range from the philosophy and ethics of engineering to medicine and health care, the ethics of sports and research ethics. He is a former President of the International Association for the Philosophy of Sport and was the founding Chair of the British Philosophy of Sport Association. He serves or has served on the executive committees of many national and international associations, including the European College of Sport Science, the International Council for Sport Science and Physical Education, and the Philosophy of Education Society of Great Britain. He is the founding Editor of the journal Sport, Ethics and Philosophy, has written or edited 16 books in applied philosophy and ethics in sport and health, and is a founding co-editor of the landmark book series Ethics and Sport (Routledge).
William J. Morgan is a Professor in the Division of Occupational Science and School of Communication, University of Southern California, USA. His major research interests are in ethics, critical theory and political theory, and most of his work has been devoted to the study of popular culture, especially contemporary sports and the Olympic Games. He is the author or editor of five books on sport, including Why Sports Morally Matter, the runner-up for the Best Book Award from the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport in 2006. He has been the recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Award from the International Association of the Philosophy of Sport and elected as a Fellow to the American Academy of Kinesiology, and he serves on the editorial boards of the Journal of the Philosophy of Sport and Sport, Ethics and Philosophy.