Critically examining a wide range of products, businesses, technologies, information, services, ads, packaging and branding, Saren utilizes everyday images and phenomena to draw out the conceptual foundations of marketing from a social science and cultural studies perspective as something that we all experience in everyday life.
This new edition of the first critical marketing textbook discusses the role new technologies (such as social media) play in marketing culture and how this can potentially place more power in the clicks of the consumer. It includes new, updated or expanded sections on market exclusion, the role of the consumer in innovation, space and place, pricing, consumer communities, collaborative consumption and social media marketing. Leading experts in these fields of research and marketing practice also contribute additional sections on these topics.
This essential marketing guide is supported by a range of teaching support materials including the latest journal and online references, guides to further reading, teaching slides and test bank questions
Michael Saren is professor of marketing at University of Leicester. He has an honorary fellowship of the UK Academy of Marketing, a PhD from the University of Bath and an honorary professorship at St Andrews University. He was a founding editor of the journal Marketing Theory.