FAW started as the Frontiers of Algorithmic Workshop in 2007 at Lanzhou, China, and was held annually from 2007 to 2021 and published archival proceedings. IJTCS, the International joint theoretical Computer Science Conference, started in 2020, aimed to bring in presentations covering active topics in selected tracks in theoretical computer science.
In addition to four keynote speakers, 26 invited speakers and 19 contributed speakers, IJTCS-FAW2022 organized Forums for undergraduate research, young PhD graduates, young TCS faculty members, female researchers, as well as a forum in Conscious AI and a CSIAM Forum in blockchain.
The 19 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Algorithmic Game Theory; Game Theory in Block Chain; Frontiers of Algorithmic Wisdom; Computational and Network Economics.