James Bell
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Not happy with a repeat storyline! BTW this novel is too short! Honestly, if Iino becomes one of his monster harem I going to lose it! Rose has reached the I-Don't-Care state. Could she just be burned at the stake? Shiran needs to "really" die. Could we pretend vine and fox got lost in the woods and never ever find them. Otherwise I think the female characters are better off without MC. Storyline needs to move on or realize the end has already come series. No life & no energy to storylines with MC in it anymore! Iino is new MC, and her story is cut short in this book. BTW, way too much dialog between MC and female heroines is repetitive between books now! Also the idea that hero is too busy to kiss a girl is ludicrous. FYI, if girl isn't getting kissed said guy is being dumped post haste.