Laboratory protocols describe methodology to characterize mtDNA heteroplasmy by parallel sequencing. Each eukaryotic cell contains hundreds of mitochondria with hundreds of mitochondria genomes. Mutant and wild-type mtDNA may co-exist as heteroplasmy, and cause human disease. The purpose of this protocol is to simultaneously determine mtDNA sequence and quantify the heteroplasmic level. Another protocol describes procedures for obtaining tissue sections and cell material suitable for histological evaluation of OXPHOS activity and integrity and immunodetection of the complexes in tissue from patients suspected of mitochondrial disease. Emphasis lies on the diagnostic potential of these techniques to differentiate mtDNA from nuclear mutations.
This e-book тАФ a curated collection from eLS, WIREs, and Current Protocols тАФ offers a fantastic introduction to the field of mitochondrial diseases for students or interdisciplinary collaborators.
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