Optimal Inventory Control and Management Techniques explores emergent research in stock management and product control within organizations. Featuring diverse perspectives on the implementation of various optimization techniques, genetic algorithms, and datamining concepts, as well as research on big data applications for inventory management, this publication is a comprehensive reference source for practitioners, educators, and researchers in the fields of logistics, operations management, and retail management.
Nita H. Shah is a professor in the Department of Mathematics, Gujarat University, Ahmedabad, India. She received her Ph.D. in inventory control management, operations research. Currently, she is engaged in research in inventory control and management, supply chain management, forecasting and information technology and information systems, neural networks, sensors and image processing. She has more than 275 papers published in international and national journals. She is author of four books. She is serving as a member of the editorial board of Investigation Operational, Journal of Social Science and Management, International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Computations and Mathematics Today. [Editor]