Yudi Hari Rayanto, was born in a small town, that is Probolinggo, in Desember 08, 1975. He graduated from S1 degree STIBA Malang in 2000, Master degree in Educational Technology from UNIPA Surabaya in 2009, and S3 from State Malang University 2016 also in Educational Technology. As a lecturer, he is one of a member from Indonesian association Education and Development. Besides that, he is also able to do some researches. There are many researches which already gained, National and International.
Putu Ngurah Rusmawan was born on 21th July 1987 in Porong Sidoarjo. He graduated from Diploma program in Universitas Airlangga Surabaya. He focused on Teaching English for Foreign Language (TEFL) major 2008 and directly continued his study in STKIP PGRI Pasuruan 2008. He also got his master degree In Universitas Negeri Surabaya in 2012. He was teaching English and Tourism in Politeknik Negeri Banyuwangi. His expertise was English for tourism management. He was interested in conducting research in English for Specific Purpose (ESP) especially for live stock product processing technology, agribusiness,engineering, information technology, and tourism management.