Professor Dastbaz's main research work over the recent years has been focused on the use and impact of emerging technologies in society, particularly learning, training and the development of "government. Mohammad has led EU and UK based funded research projects and has been the Symposium Chair of Multimedia Systems in IEEE's Information Visualisation (IV) conference since 2002. He has over 50 refereed publications, including numerous journal paper articles, conference papers, book chapters and Books on e-learning, eGovernment and design and development of Multimedia Systems. Professor Dastbaz is a Fellow of the British Computer Society and UK's Higher Education Academy as well as the professional member of ACM and IEEE's computer society.Colin Pattinson has been an academic member of staff at Leeds Met since 1985, beginning as a junior lecturer, progressing to Professor in 2006 and Head of School from 2011. During that time, his research and teaching has reflected the massive changes in computer and communications technologies, beginning with very basic computer to computer connections, through the development of the Internet to current developments in smart phones and cloud computing. Colin continues to be an active researcher in these areas, with a particular interest in measuring and understanding the performance of IT systems.Babak Akhgar is Professor of Informatics and Director of CENTRIC (Center of Excellence in Terrorism, Resilience, Intelligence and Organized Crime Research) at Sheffield Hallam University (UK) and Fellow of the British Computer Society. He has more than 100 refereed publications in international journals and conferences on information systems with specific focus on knowledge management (KM). He is member of editorial boards of several international journals and has acted as Chair and Program Committee Member for numerous international conferences. He has extensive and hands-on experience in the development, management and execution of KM projects and large international security initiatives (e.g., the application of social media in crisis management, intelligence-based combating of terrorism and organized crime, gun crime, cyber-crime and cyber terrorism and cross cultural ideology polarization). In addition to this he is the technical lead of two EU Security projects: "Courage on Cyber-Crime and Cyber-Terrorism and "Athena onthe Application of Social Media and Mobile Devices in Crisis Management. He has co-edited several books on Intelligence Management.. His recent books are titled "Strategic Intelligence Management (National Security Imperatives and Information and Communications Technologies), "Knowledge Driven Frameworks for Combating Terrorism and Organised Crime and "Emerging Trends in ICT Security. Prof Akhgar is member of the academic advisory board of SAS UK.