Table of Contents
Komodo Dragon Facts
What is a Komodo Dragon?
What do Komodo Dragons Look Like?
Where Do Komodo Dragons Live?
The Komodo Dragon Home
The Komodo Dragons Senses
What do Komodo Dragons Eat?
What Eats The Komodo Dragon?
The Komodo Dagon Family
Komodo Dragons in Captivity
Why Are Komodo Dragons Vulnerable?
When Komodo Dragons Attack
Could I keep a Komodo dragon as a pet?
What is a lizard?
What kinds of lizards are there?
Where do lizards live?
The history of lizards and humans
What is a gecko?
What is an iguana?
What is a horny toad?
Why aren't frogs, toads, alligators, and crocodiles lizards?
A little more about lizards
About Salamanders
External Features
Defence Mechanisms
Myths and Legends
Tiger salamander
Flatwoods salamander
Northwestern salamander
Jefferson salamander
Long- toed salamander
Cave salamander
Red Hills salamander
Northern zigzag salamander
Clouded salamander
Green salamander
The Komodo dragon, lizards, and salamanders are all reptiles, have four legs, and a tail.
What is the difference between these? Can they be kept as pets?
Let's read and find out the answers to these, and many more, questions.