Short Gorilla
This, the second book in the series, is in many ways improved over the first. The story is a lot more complex, darker, and the characters get a lot more depth. And while the authors love of guns is still obvious, it's not a distraction this time. To be clear, I don't say this as a criticism of guns. In the first book he went into too much detail describing weapons and it really sidetracked from the pacing and the immersion. This time everything is more fluid and fast paced. I'm really impressed.
1 person found this review helpful
Malachi T'lonborne
Awesome book. If John Wick and a Stephen King Nightmare had sex, Monster Hunter Internation Series is its love child. Yes. I know this series predates John Wick. Sue me.
7 people found this review helpful
Frankee Turner
A fantastic addition to the MHI series. I love all of the action, and the ending puts you on the edge of your seat, ready for the next one.