Mozammel Huq is Honorary Senior Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde, UK, and Visiting Professor of Economics at UttarBangla University College (National University Bangladesh), Bangladesh. He has taught development economics for over three decades and published a large number of articles and books, including Development Economics (2009, with A Clunies-Ross and D Forsyth). His association with Ghana has remained close especially since the two-year period (1982-84) that he spent as a Senior Research Fellow at Cape Coast University.
Michael Tribe is Honorary Lecturer at the University of Strathclyde, UK. He is a development economist with wide-ranging academic experience and a significant publication record. He previously taught at the University of Bradford, UK, was a Research Fellow in the University of Cape Coast, Ghana between mid-1982 and mid-1984, and was the UK coordinator for a Ghana Development Studies Academic Link between 1990 and 2011.