There is a possibility that realizing the full potential benefits of interoperability would require establishing a health information exchange that is underpinned by blockchain technology. The friction and expenses that are now created by middlemen have the potential to be reduced or eliminated entirely with the implementation of solutions based on blockchain technology. There are a number of compelling use cases for blockchain technology, some of the most prominent of which include the Precision Medicine Initiative, Patient Care and Outcomes Research (PCOR), and the Nationwide Interoperability Roadmap. In addition to this, the technology that underpins blockchain presents significant problems to the medical profession in the areas of reproducibility, data sharing, issues over the privacy of individual data, and the participation of patients in clinical trials. In the sphere of the internet, Blockchain is bringing the internet closer to its ultimate goal of decentralization, which is an ambition that is very crucial for the internet. It is reasonable to predict that this will have a significant detrimental effect on the operation of the Blockchain. Both the area of medicine and the field of information technology are in store for some very exciting times in the near future. As a result of breakthroughs in genetic research and clinical research, the discipline of medicine is currently observing the implementation of an innovative approach to the avoidance of disease. Even if blockchain technology is not a surefire answer to problems with data standards or system integration, it does give the prospect of a new distributed architecture that may amplify and support the integration of health care data across a variety of applications and stakeholders. This is because blockchain technology is decentralized, meaning that it is accessible to several parties at once. It provides answers to a wide range of problems while simultaneously improving the system's levels of efficiency, decentralization, and safety. The technology that underpins blockchain represents a substantial advancement for the sector as a whole. As a result of this, a major clinical shift is required in order to successfully deploy technology for the greatest outcome that can be researched and evaluated from a socio-technical point of view. This is a requirement that has arisen as a direct consequence of the previous point.