Table of Contents
The Concept of a Tiny House
Living in a Tiny House
1. Gather Information
2. Identify Your Needs and Wants from the Tiny House
3. Assess the Benefits of Tiny House Living
4. Tiny Houses Cost More per Square Feet Compared With Traditional Homes
5. Decision Whether Or Not to Build Your Own Tiny House
6. You Need to Reduce Your Stuff
7. Purchase and Use Effective Storage and Multi-Purpose Equipment
The Concept of Minimalism
Living a Minimalist life
1. Enforcement of the Idea
2. Make a List
3. Begin With the Smallest Items
4. Clothes Should Be Next
5. Always Keep the Advantages in Mind
6. Categorize Items
7. Decide On the Future of the Things
8. Understand That It Is a Constant Process
9. Money Saving
10. Remain Organized
11. Mark Clutter Free Zones
12. Eat Simple
13. Move to a Smaller Place
Concept of Being Frugal
Ways of Frugal Living
1. Research and Educate Yourself
2. Start Writing Down your Monthly Expenses
3. Weekly Habit of Monitoring
4. Auto-Payment Mechanism
5. Avoid Temptations
Author Bio
The trend of living in a small and tiny house is growing in the western parts of the world. This is a very attractive and captivating approach of not only building up small residential units, but more importantly it is a way of living. Not very long ago the concept of living in a tiny house was just considered as a fashion or a little charm. However, in very little time it has managed to grow into a broader perspective of living, which requires leading a simple, greener and a meaningful way of life. It totally negates the basic concept of society that the more you have the better.