The book explores how SC mapping contributes to sustainability from social, economic, and environmental perspectives, the role of SC mapping in upstream, midstream, and downstream SC sustainability, as well as the role of technology advancement and the impact of blockchain and Industry 4.0 in SC mapping. Adopting a multidisciplinary approach, this edited collection features international authors from a diverse range of disciplines including SC management, operations management, technology and innovation management, and sustainability.
The book will be a valuable resource for global scholars, researchers, and upper-level students across operations, SC management, and logistics, as well as engineering and technology management.
Muhammad Shujaat Mubarik is Professor and Dean College of Business Management (CBM), Institute of Business Management (IoBM), Karachi.
Sharfuddin Ahmed Khan is Assistant Professor in Industrial System Engineering at University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada, since January 2022.
Simonov Kusi-Sarpong, PhD, is Senior Lecturer in Operations Management at Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK.
Steve Brown, DPhil, is currently Honorary Professor at Sussex Business School, University of Sussex, UK, and was previously Professor of Operations Management at Southampton Business School, University of Southampton, UK.
Syed Imran Zaman, PhD, is Assistant Professor at Jinnah University for Women, one of Pakistan’s leading women’s universities.