The book introduces Frenet equations for plane and space curves, presents the basic theory of surfaces, and introduces differentiable maps and differentials on the surface. It also provides the first and second fundamental forms of surfaces, minimal surfaces, and geodesics. Furthermore, it contains a detailed analysis of covariant derivatives and manifolds.
The book covers many classical results, such as the Lancret Theorem, Shell Theorem, Joachimsthal Theorem, and Meusnier Theorem, as well as the fundamental theorems of plane curves, space curves, surfaces, and manifolds.
Muhittin Evren Aydin a mathematician who works on various aspects of mathematics. Currently he focuses on differential geometry, Riemannian geometry, fractional calculus, microeconomics, and applications of differential geometry.
Svetlin G. Georgiev is a mathematician who works on various aspects of mathematics. Currently he focuses on ordinary and partial differential equations, differential geometry, dynamic geometry on time scales, integral equations on time scales, theory of distributions and harmonic analysis.