Christy Gnana Deepa, 20, hailing from Tamilnadu, India. Her journey till date is amazing by being a compiler of 5 anthologies and a co-author of more than 45+ anthologies. A writer by passion and a literarian by profession.
Shruti Agarwal, 24, is residing in Rajasthan, India with her family. She has completed her graduation and now she is pursuing the chartered accountancy course (CA). Her inspiration is her mother. She prefers creating content in English and Hindi, her work is multifarious so that every reader could relate to at least one aspect. She believes in "don't stop shining just because someone gets inspired by your light. Some of her write-ups have been published in Anthologies: Thorny roses, Shining dreams, My mother: My power, The Beautiful love bond, The invisible bond, The Eulogizer, Unique Pieces, Jaayaz Ishq, Supriya-Ek Apsara.