The author first described a microcontroller-based implementation of a PLC in a series of articles published in Electronics World magazine between 2008 and 2010. This book is based on an improved version of the project, including:
In this book, the author provides detailed explanations of hardware and software structures. He also describes PIC Assembly macros for all basic PLC functions, which are illustrated with numerous examples and flowcharts. An accompanying downloadable resources contain source files (.ASM) and object files (.HEX) for all of the examples in the book. It also supplies printed circuit board (PCB) (Gerber and .pdf) files so that you can have the CPU board and I/O extension boards produced by a PCB manufacturer or produce your own boards.
Making PLCs more easily accessible, this unique book is written for advanced students, practicing engineers, and hobbyists who want to learn how to build their own microcontroller-based PLC. It assumes some previous knowledge of digital logic design, microcontrollers, and PLCs, as well as familiarity with the PIC16F series of microcontrollers and w
Dr. Murat Uzam is a professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at Melikşah University in Kayseri, Turkey.