The integration of artificial intelligence into renewable energetic systems would allow the rapid development of a knowledge-based economy suitable to the energy transition, while fully integrating the renewables into the global economy. This is how artificial intelligence has hand in by conceptualizing this transition and above all by saving time.
The knowledge economy is valuated within the smart cities, which are fast becoming the favorite places where the energy transition will take place efficiently and intelligently by implementing integrated approaches to energy saving and energy supply and integrated urban approaches that go beyond individual interventions in buildings or transport modes using information and communication technologies.
Dr. Mustapha Hatti was born in El-Asnam (Chlef), Algeria. He studied at El Khaldounia School, and then at El Wancharissi High School, obtained his electronics-engineering diplomat from USTHB Algiers, and his post-graduation studies at USTO -Oran. Worked as research engineer, at CDSE, Ain oussera, Djelfa, CRD, Sonatrach, Hassi messaoud, CRNB, Birine, Djelfa, and Director of Research at UDES / EPST-CDER, Bou Ismail, Tipasa. He leads the '' Tipasa Smart City '' Association, and is an IEEE Senior Member; he is the author of several scientific papers, chapter books. Book Editor, Guest Editor, his areas of interest are smart sustainable energy systems, innovative systems, fuel cell, photovoltaic, optimization, intelligent embedded systems, and artificial intelligence.