Following the Christians doctrine, Jesus was born, raised and died on the cross in order to break the burden of the Origin Sin. Again, all in the name of paying the price of the damage that was done before his existence; washing away your sins and thus, achieving salvation. Whereas, the Jews in the Old Testament and Muslims in the Qur’an, took a different approach of achieving salvation. These last two groups demolished the idea of a single individual dying for the sins of mankind and the sacrifice of blood as the means of achieving salvation.
Contents: The Origin Sin 1, Who Died for Our Sins? 4, How to identify the True Believer? 7, The Source of the Smoke 11, How to achieve Salvation? 14, The Sign of Jonah according to Jesus 19, The Lamb of God 23, The Cry Upon The Cross 27, Lion of Judah 34, Who’s the Redeemer? 40, The Beloved One 42, Spiritual Separation from God 47, Contradictory Teachings 50, Summary 57, Religious Quotes 64, Book Description 88, About The Author 90
Mwanandeke Kindembo, born November 11, 1996 in Baraka, Dem. Rep. of the Congo, is a Congolese author of self-help books. He's an engineer by profession, passionate about sharing ideas, most of them through writing. His appetite for writing emerged after graduation, when he obtained a BEng (Hons) in Computer Engineering at TU Dublin.