The story begins with Alanis being claimed by the Viper, a man whose seductive promise hides a deeper, more personal quest. Far from merely being a pirate’s prize, Alanis becomes entangled in a grander scheme that intertwines with the Viper's quest for justice and vengeance. His control over the Caribbean waters serves as a means to reclaim his lost birthright and settle old scores with those who wronged him.
A Google user
It was a good story but, as for the war & foreign language it just got on my nerves, I had to just skip through pages at the end just to get back to Alanis & Eros, could've skipped all the nonsense & had more on their relationship. I did however fall in love with the couple..
Mitzi Vander Ark
What an amazing story. This read was a spectacular way to spend time immersed in lands far away, political intrigue, piracy, cultural traditions, discovery of oneself and relationships, and love.
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