Andreas Ardent
The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed (book published 2006, 240 pages) by Erik James Horvat-Markovic, The First Pickup Artist (PUA), is a system for meeting and seducing women based on PUA techniques. It is entirely Nightgame oriented and completely useless for Daygame pickup. Largely outdated in 2022. dating market, it has few major flaws, like assuming that a man is of lower value than a woman he approaches therefore a man must use gimmicky techniques (Negging, push-pull, cocky-funny etc) which is cringey, unnecessarry and will backfire in most of the cases. Many guys have tried to apply this and failed miserably to achieve any results therefore in Intermediate and Advanced Pickup Community, the book is also known as "The Misery Method". Instead, read SMASH FROM ZERO TO HERO ebook (google search) which is step by step guide how to pickup, seduce, date and get laid and retain women you like. Written by a Natural 1000+ lay count guy (proof is on authors website).
xandy Sevenants
What the actual f#*k this is bad advice. 1) Women are not pre-programmed robots! 2) never, ever try to "neg" a girl. It's just evil. 3) he mystery advices you to try his method at least 10 times per day because you'll get rejected a lot. Basically admitting that this method is a numbers game. 4) this book advices you to basically chat up a girl you'd rate a 6/10 or 7/10, have her hold on to your arm while you go chat up your actual "target" and that the less attractive girl can go to her friends "unharmed in any way." So... apparently every girl would be fine to be used as a f#*king prop while you try to go and pick up a girl that's deemed better looking than her? 5) he tells you to train her like a dog so that she'll be more compliant. Tl;dr according to this book; women are emotionless pre-programmed robots and usable as a prop and he admits that taking this course of action might result in possible RAPE-CHARGES Please don't use this advice
RIley W
The techniques in this book don't work. They don't really derive from evolution. As a woman, having a guy insult me all the time makes me only very angry. Even when you add a little compliment, I won't forget about the insult. Besides, every woman has heard of this book now. These tricks will not work at all now.