Authors have been encouraged to submit novel contributions which include results of research or experimental work discussing new developments in the field of systems, automation and control. The work can be also addressed for editing special issues for novel developments in specifi c fi elds. Guest editors are encouraged to make proposals to the editor in chief of the corresponding main field. The aims of this volume, in its own way, to promote an international scientific progress in the fields of systems, automation and control. It provides at the same time an opportunity to be informed about interesting results that have been reported during the international SSD conferences.
Systems, Signals & Devices is one of the large specializations in electrical engineering, mechanical engineering and computer sciences. It derives input from physics, mathematics and is an indispensable feature of all natural- and life sciences in research and in application. The new series “Advances in Systems, Signals and Devices” presents original publications mainly from speakers on the International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signal and Devices but also from other international authors. The Conference is a forum for researchers and specialists in different fields covering all types of sensors and measurement systems.
Nabil Derbel, Sfax, Tunesia