William Marmol
Definitely a slower paced start to a story. A lot of this seems like set up for the rest of the story but it doesn't leave me 100% confident that I've seen enough for it to deliver. Still, even though not much happens the story and characters are cute enough. The 'love' feels questionable to say the least, not enough build up to it and it just kind of happens. Again, I think this is supposed to be a jumping off point though so I can't be *too* harsh...
12 people found this review helpful
ようだい しん
I watched a bit of Yuri but this one really made me realized a lot even to myself.. The author's just so great but I wish she will make a sequel.. There are a lot to be tell from this couple.. All in all,this is the top yuri anime/manga as of now...
2 people found this review helpful