Naomi Hodgson is an Associate Professor of Education Studies at Liverpool Hope University, UK, where she teaches and researches in philosophy of education. Her research focuses on the relationship between education, governance, and subjectivity. Her publications include Philosophy and Theory in Education: Writing in the Margin, with Professor Amanda Fulford (Routledge, 2016), Citizenship for the Learning Society: Europe, Subjectivity, and Educational Research (Wiley, 2016), Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy, with Dr Joris Vlieghe and Dr Piotr Zamojski (Punctum Books, 2018), and most recently, Philosophical Presentations of Raising Children: The Grammar of Upbringing, with Dr Stefan Ramaekers (Palgrave 2019).
Joris Vlieghe is an Assistant Professor of Philosophy and Theory of Education at the KU Leuven, Belgium. With Naomi Hodgson and Piotr Zamojski he recently published a Manifesto for a Post-critical Pedagogy (Punctum Books 2018) and, with Piotr Zamojski, Towards an Ontology of Teaching. Thing-centered pedagogy, affirmation and love for the world (Springer 2019). He is also interested in the impact of digital technologies on education, and more specifically in how fundamental notions such as schooling, attention, community, transformation, literacy and creativity change when a culture of the book is (rapidly) replaced by a culture of the screen.
Piotr Zamojski is an Assistant Professor at the University of Gdańsk, Poland. He has authored four books, including two recently written in collaboration with Naomi Hodgson and Joris Vlieghe (Manifesto for a Post-Critical Pedagogy, Punctum Books 2017), and with Joris Vlieghe (Towards an Ontology of Teaching. Thing-centered pedagogy, affirmation and love for the world, Springer 2019). He has also published on issues concerning the bureaucratisation of education, totalitarianism and educational theory, building a public sphere around education, and the role of cultural codes in schooling.