Full color original oil paintings illustrate this funny and inspirational true story about artist Natalie Buske Thomas' childhood. Watch Natalie paint the art (via her YouTube Channel), making this book a unique interactive multimedia experience. Early discouragement from Natalie's dreadfully unimaginative art teacher didn't stop her from becoming an artist. Falling off her bicycle on an impossibly steep hill, getting bit on her you-know-what by a goose during Goose Tag, and freezing her tongue on the icy railing on Grandpa's porch after her cousins dared her to do it--well, none of those things broke Natalie's spirit. Today her paintings are in galleries and exhibits, and her dream of living and painting in Ireland has come true. Inspirational and funny, this book about Natalie (aka "Fred") lends itself to learning inference, vocabulary words, irony, and descriptive prose. Don't forget what makes this book special. Readers can watch the author paint the illustrations via short fun videos on the author's YouTube Channel. *If you like the digital version, buy the hardcover or paperback book for a special child, your local library or children's hospital, or just because.