Consumer genomics, encompassing both direct-to-consumer applications (i.e., genetic testing that is accessed by a consumer directly from a commercial company apart from a health care provider) and consumer-driven genetic testing (i.e., genetic testing ordered by a health care provider in response to an informed patient request), has evolved considerably over the past decade, moving from more personal utility-focused applications outside of traditional health care to interfacing with clinical care in nontraditional ways. As consumer genomics has increasingly intersected with clinical applications, discussions have arisen around the need to demonstrate clinical and analytical validity and clinical utility due to the potential for misinterpretation by consumers. Clinical readiness and interest for this information have presented educational and training challenges for providers. At the same time, consumer genomics has emerged as a potentially innovative mechanism for thinking about health literacy and engaging participants in their health and health care. To explore the current landscape of consumer genomics and the implications for how genetic test information is used or may be used in research and clinical care, the Roundtable on Genomics and Precision Health of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine hosted a public workshop on October 29, 2019, in Washington, DC. Discussions included such topics as the diversity of participant populations, the impact of consumer genomics on health literacy and engagement, knowledge gaps related to the use of consumer genomics in clinical care, and regulatory and health policy issues such as data privacy and security. A broad array of stakeholders took part in the workshop, including genomics and consumer genomics experts, epidemiologists, health disparities researchers, clinicians, users of consumer genomics research applications, representatives from patient advocacy groups, payers, bioethicists, regulators, and policy makers. This publication summarizes the presentations and discussion of the workshop.